Happy Birthday, Nkhonde

Happy Birthday, Nkhonde

As Christian entrepreneurs, business owners, and employees, we should understand the importance of a supportive partner. Proverbs 31:10-31 praises a virtuous woman, reflecting the strength and wisdom she possesses. You, like Esther, have the courage to face challenges and turn them into opportunities through grace and faith.

Your compassion and intelligence remind children and me of Abigail, who handled difficult situations with wisdom and tact (1 Samuel 25). Your actions in our family and business reflect these qualities, inspiring those around you to strive for excellence while maintaining a kind heart.

On this special day, let us celebrate not just another year of life, but also your impact in our lives and at work. Let us continue to grow in love and faith by drawing inspiration from the lives of Esther and Abigail. Here’s to embracing challenges with a positive attitude and unwavering commitment. Happy Birthday to my beloved wife.

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Chisebwe Fumbeshi

Author Bio

Property Valuation Surveyor, Christian Business Mentor & Entrepreneur, with vast experience in the Real Estate sector and media industry spanning more than 20 years. Registered & Chartered Valuation Surveyor, Co-founded Fairworld Properties Limited a Property Valuation and Advisory Company. Also Co-Founded of Money FM Radio, Zambia’s talk Business and Personal finance Radio. Driving entrepreneurship development in Zambia. He also sits on various Boards including the Lands Tribunal.